Mental health support

Mental health conditions can affect you at any stage of your life. At Avalon we offer a range of support options, including support in the community, in your own home, or in the home of specialist mental health Shared Lives carers.

Two of our core values are Inclusion and Partnership Working. By living these values we deliver mental health support which is led by you, working together with the people who are most important in your life, as well as other health professionals to support you in a truly personalised way.

Your support

You are the leader in your support. The support plans we create together focus on your strengths and your goals, with clear plans to create positive change in your life. We use input from all appropriate sources, working creatively to make sure you can achieve your aspirations while staying safe, working towards better mental health and recovery.

We understand that your needs and wants will change, so you will have an actively reviewed plan which works flexibly to provide what is important to you at the right time, always involving important people like family and friends where this is helpful.

What does recovery look like?

It’s a different journey for each person. For some it will be about being symptom free, living independently with the tools and strategies to live a fulfilling life.  For others, recovery will be learning ways to manage symptoms to feel in control of mental health and life choices.

Linking with communities

Your life is more than just the support you receive, it’s everything that adds to your fulfilment. We work with you to look at all aspects of your life and how further connections with local services, organisations and opportunities such as work, education and leisure will support your holistic wellbeing.

How we make sure we provide good Mental Health support

Our services are supported by Avalon’s Mental Health Lead who is a qualified Mental Health Nurse with over 25 years’ experience.

The staff and carers who support you have had specialist training across the spectrum of mental health conditions alongside a wider programme of learning which includes person-centred support and safeguarding.

Further support comes from our Enhanced Needs Panel, which includes mental health and Positive Behaviour Support specialists who support our teams to deliver complex care packages which may need further training and input to create the best outcomes.

Ongoing support and advice from the Mental Health Lead is always available. This can include advice on diagnosis, possible treatment options, resources, sources of information, navigating the Mental Health Service, mental health legislation, policy and procedures. The support can include the Mental Health Lead’s attendance at reviews, meetings or multi-disciplinary planning discussions.

Next steps

If you are seeking mental health support or are a family member or social worker looking for support for someone, please get in touch to find out how we can work together.

We can chat over the phone/video call or offer initial advice by email. We can also arrange a face-to-face meeting at a venue of your choice, whatever it best for you.

Telephone: 01423 530053

How can we help you?

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